parlez vous victoire?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

who controls the controller?

so I went back to a link I've saved for blogging about sometime on 43 folders...

Procrastination can drive most of us into a spiral of shame that’s as mundane as it is painfully personal. We know what we should be doing, but some invisible hang-up keeps us on the line. Unfortunately, the guaranteed consequence of procrastination is growth in the scale of the task you’ve been putting off—as well as the anxiety that it creates. All the time you’re putting something off, your problem’s getting bigger—both in reality and in your head, where your colorful imagination is liable to turn even the most trivial item into an unsolvable juggernaut that threatens to overwhelm you. And that means extra stress, more procrastination, and the music goes round.

My favorite tonic for procrastination—which I have mentioned in passing previously—is what I call a dash, which is simply a short burst of focused activity during which you force yourself to do nothing but work on the procrastinated item for a very short period of time—perhaps as little as just one minute. By breaking a few tiny pebbles off of your perceived monolith, you end up psyching yourself out of your stupor, as well as making much-needed progress on your overdue project. Neat, huh?

It's an interesting concept. but requires a to do list. I can imagine it being useful to me if I split my tasks up into components and tackled them with a "dash". But then again, I have to make time to make the list... boy, does organisation take time or what? the admin of admin...

In my reading of the article, I came upon a link to some free software called "Temptation Blocker" in the comments section.

The software is supposed to keep one from those "temptations" that steal one's time during the day, like reading email, for a set amount of time, allowing one to focus on the more important tasks of the moment.

I have found myself distracted by such things as browsing and gmail lately, but my solution is to close firefox, and concentrate on getting my work done. Have we reached such a point that we're unable to control ourselves anymore? What if you get so used to the blocker that you cannot function without it, and more importantly you get used to the idea of using a blocker in your everyday computer activities?


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