parlez vous victoire?

Friday, April 20, 2007

those funny south africans...

facebook has released stats (don't get too excited, turns out it's pretty simplistic) on their networks... whilst bored with the stats, i discovered that the south african network contains some pretty funny people - not really surprising, we're a pretty funny bunch!

here are some jokes copied straight off the south africa facebook wall:


You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon.' Need I say more?

Étienne Myburgh

Hoe vang jy 'n haas? (how do you catch a rabbit?)
Jy staan agter 'n boom en fluit soos 'n wortel (stand behind a tree & whistle like a carrot)

Hawt Rawr

whilst on the topic of funnies, it turns out i'm still on top when searching for riaan cruywagen on google! :) yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ek wil nou nie snaaks wees nie, maar daai's baaaaaie ou grappies ;)

2:45 am

Blogger victoire said...

heh heh heh... ek dink dis nogsteeds snaaks! :P

12:59 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wat hang aan 'n boom en skree "ek is 'n appel, ek is 'n appel!"?

'n Mal peer.

11:30 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat is geel en hang in 'n boom? 'n Tros vla...

9:34 am


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