parlez vous victoire?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ginger Spam Salad


spam. spam. spam.

spam i am.

please tell me that i am not the only person on this planet who thinks it's disgusting that gmail gives out spam recipes when browsing your spam folder?

then again... maybe that's where all the deleted spam goes... to be re-assimilated into spam recipes.

any other explanation is beyond reason...

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Blogger Phlippy said...

LoL - love your work. Adore v for Vendetta as well. Stunning movie.

10:40 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to find out why they keep on insisting that I need that little blue pill. As far as I know everything is in tip top shape.

3:58 pm

Blogger Carlz said...

i should pay more attention! - get mail and go!

5:04 pm

Blogger victoire said...

@philippy: :) thank you. yes, v for vendetta was awesome. i like the concept, like 1984 (the book)... i'm fascinated by it. interesting blog (the little i've seen so far), look out for my own rendition of singleness on soon...

@aquila: maybe they know something you don't... kinda scary really.

@carlz: i can be rather pedantic... i like to go and empty my spam folder myself... watch it all gurgling down the drain. i also manage to catch some legitimate email that way once in a while. i guess the idea of advertising spam recipes in a spam folder is kinda cute though. never knew one got so many spam recipes... and just in case you were interested, the current recipe: Spicy Spam Kabobs - Serve with hot cooked rice

5:22 pm

Blogger Phlippy said...

Hey, I will def look out for it. Read some of my older stuff, from the beginning, my recent stuff is not that fantastic - feel like I've lost my muse in a way. Ciao

10:48 am


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